Friday 13 January 2017

Review - "Done Dirt Cheap"

Done Dirt Cheap
by Sarah Nicole Lemon
rating: ☆☆☆☆☆
published: 7th March 2017
spoilers? no


Galley provided by publisher

Where do I start with this book? I genuinely have no words for how much I loved this book. It's only January, but I'm calling it now - this is possibly one of the best books I'm going to read this year.

The writing in this is just amazing. It's so so gorgeous and lyrical and it flows so well. There was never a point where I stopped and thought hold up, that sounds forced, because it never does sound that way. It all works so perfectly and I just have no words. It is so! good!!

What's also amazing is that the whole plot centres around a friendship between two girls. And it's such a beautiful friendship. The author does such a good job of writing its development and the growing trust between them. And they never tear each other down or try to (which, I know, is a low standard to hold books to, but I'm just so happy that never happens here), although there is annoyingly some slut-shaming going on with regard to another character. That aside, this is one of the best girl friendships I've ever read.

Then there were the scenes which had me close to tears, mostly involving Jason and Virginia, though Jason and Tourmaline also had a scene which wrecked me. I loved pretty much every single dynamic in this book (besides, obviously, the ones I wasn't intended to like). It's all just so amazing and I don't! have!! the!! words!!! I loved every aspect of this book and I already know it's going to have left me with the worst book hangover, and I can't even be pissed off at that.


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