Saturday, 13 February 2016

Review - "Kings Rising"

Kings Rising, Captive Prince #3
by C. S. Pacat
published: 2nd February 2016
spoilers? YES

Laurent said, "Our men have the gates and the halls. Ios is yours." "And you," said Damen. "With your uncle gone, there won't be resistance. You have Vere." Laurent was very still, and the moment seemed to draw out, the space between them private in the hushed baths. "And the centre. We both hold the centre," said Laurent. And then: "It was one kingdom, once."
It has been more than a year since I finished Prince's Gambit and since then I've been stuck in a post-Prince's Gambit limbo, and even now, two weeks after this book's release, it doesn't feel real that the series is over. I can't believe it.

Honestly, I would have to rate book two as my favourite, just because of all the twists and turns and just the unbelievableness of it, but this one probably comes close second, simply because it was a fitting ending, I thought.

The characters have developed so much since the first book, and even though some parts were kind of obviously going to happen (I just want to note now that I totally called them combining the kingdoms!!!), it was still kind of a surprise when they did. Damen was still my favourite character, and I love that he was able to embrace his kingliness in this book.

I think one of the best parts (though there were a lot) was when he and Laurent receive the Regent's herald, and they're each on a throne. Also, the way Damen changes his mind over the course of the series on slavery is great, because Pacat could easily have just left it, but she made a point of saying it and I love that. While Damen may be my favourite, Laurent is definitely close behind, and I also enjoyed his character development. Especially considering this quote:
‘I hated you,’ said Laurent. ‘I hated you so badly I thought I’d choke on it. If my uncle hadn’t stopped me, I would have killed you. And then you saved my life, and every time I needed you, you were there, and I hated you for that, too.’
I can't believe C. S. Pacat would toy with my emotions like this.

Another thing I loved was the symmetry of the series as a whole. It starts (arguably) with Damen killing Laurent's brother, and ends with Laurent killing Damen's, and I think that's kind of fitting, because Damen was never going to be able to kill Kastor himself. Laurent loses his kingdom to the Regent through a trial, and then regains it in much the same manner, but in the second trial he has Damen's support and love and I'm really emotional, okay?

The whole thing has been an emotional rollercoaster and I can't believe it's over. I'm really glad that there's going to be an extra few stories because, while the ending was fitting, I'm not ready to let go of these characters just yet.


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