Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Review - "Signs Point to Yes"

Signs Point to Yes
by Sandy Hall
published: 20th October 2015
spoilers? no


She knew she needed to get home before anyone noticed her absence, but each of her limbs felt like it weighed a thousand pounds, and her brain was clouded with worry. She sat on the bench a little longer.

I've seen pretty mixed reviews of this book, and I can see why. The writing isn't great and the characters are maybe bordering on one-sided, but the book is cute and the relationships are pretty good.

I had a few issues with this book though. For one, Ravi was a gross sexist pig and he didn't develop at all in the book. He just stayed in his gross sexist piggishness. And also he hated Jane for no reason whatsoever. The first reason that is given for his dislike is because he thought she was stupid. And then it turns out it's because one time they worked together on a group project and only got a B. I can't believe this, it is ridiculous. If Ravi had developed so that he liked Jane I could forgive that, but he doesn't. He remains a gross sexist pig and I hate it.

Jane and Teo were cute though, and I loved how they dealt with Teo's little sisters together. Margo and Kara were so cute too and I wish there had been more of them. Like, so much more. There was one scene where they were caught kissing, and another where it was mentioned they had been kissing, but nothing more and it makes me sad. Margo referred to herself as bisexual too which was great because that hardly ever happens (and in YA lit too!!).

Overall, it was a pretty cute read but it wasn't particularly special.


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